Welcome to Hawthorne, a community school, where we are all part of an amazing FAMILY! Our school is intent on ensuring that ALL students have access to the best quality curriculum and instruction in all subject areas, teaching students how to learn and play in a family-friendly environment on a safe, orderly and well-maintained campus, with funding sources to meet all student needs in the classroom. We pride ourselves on continually reflecting and refining our instructional lens with a variety of relevant training for teachers and staff and where we ALL work above and beyond to ensure EVERY student reaches their potential.

we need you

2025-26 Enrollment Survey

Missed the Sunday Call/Email or other announcements?

Please click here

If you are not getting 6:30PM weekly phone call or email, please contact front office or update your contact information in Parent Portal. If you would like additional people added to the call or email, please contact Lori in the front office.

 Update: New Student/Parent Handbook
This is a working draft of the handbook that helps guide families into the individual policies and procedures of Hawthorne Elementary. Link to Handbook

 Need to contact your child teacher?

Please click Teachers' Contact Information to reach out to your teacher.


New Hawthorne Counseling Center Online Resources

Our counselors have created an online platform for students, families and staff to utilize. Parents/Guardians can complete a request form and you can see follow along with the social-emotional lessons they are learning in school. Click here to access the Hawthorne Counseling Center.

School will be closed in observance of Presidents Day Weekend Friday, February 14th-Monday, February 17th . School will resume on Tuesday, February 18th.

 presidents day  


Health & Wellness


Necesito ayuda en español?

Need to contact the school office?
Office Hours: 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM Not sure who to call? Click here: Office Contact Information 

Need to enroll your child? Please contact School Clerk, Lori Shuman at [email protected]

Universal TK Program:
Children must turn 4 by September 1  to be eligible to enroll in the Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK). We are currently full, but will be happy to direct to schools with spots available or add you to our waitlist.

Children must turn five years by September 1 to be eligible to enroll in Kindergarten.

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